Thursday, February 20, 2020

Should Art Galleries or Museums or Heritage Sites Avoid Controversy or Essay

Should Art Galleries or Museums or Heritage Sites Avoid Controversy or Not - Essay Example Museums should steer clear of controversies. Controversies contribute to unnecessarily unfavorable images of the museum. The museums display artifacts representing different civilizations and cultures. Some quarters criticise the items displayed in the museum’s shelves. Controversies may unexpectedly appear. Individuals have different interpretations of the works of art. For a priest, nude painting is not an acceptable art alternative. The nude painting creates a vivid picture that the artist used a naked female model to finish the artwork. Museums should avoid controversies. Controversies trigger an unfavorable museum image. The word controversy equates to conflict. A conflict occurs when different sides have opposing views. Conflicts may lead to court cases. In other situations, a conflict creates animosity between the disagreeing parties. The news reports of controversies will not be good on the image of the affected museums. The above Rosetta Stone artifact is one example of a museum controversy. The controversy creates an unfavorable image that Our British Museum stole the Egyptian artifacts. In the controversy between the British Museum and Egypt, Egypt demands that the British Museum should return the Egypt artifacts. Egypt claims that Egypt is the owner of the artifacts displayed in the British Museum. This claim creates an impression on the public that the British Museum holds stolen property. Consequently, Egypt bombards the news outlets with statements that damage the reputation of the British Museum.   Further, the controversy states Egypt wants the Rosetta Stone returned to Egypt. However, our British Museum refuses to comply with Egypt’s demand. Similarly, Egypt insists that the Neues Museum should return Nefertiti’s Bust. The Neues Museum is located in Berlin, Germany.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 162

Assignment Example The second article is about the ways school counselors can help victims of child abuse and neglect. Dr. Glenn Lambie provides the definitions of abuse and neglect from the American School Counselor Association and gives statistics on deaths and incidents of child abuse and neglect. (2005) Symptoms to look out for, the pertinent statutes in North Carolina, the guidelines for reporting cases of suspected abuse and possible interventions to prevent such issues are also included. This article is interesting for people who would like to be professional counselors because they may have to help victims in the future since child abuse and neglect is a big part of American society. This article is scholarly because of the peer-review process. McDermott, R. C. & Lopez, F. G. (2013). College men’s intimate partner violence attitudes: Contributions of adult attachment and gender role stress. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60 (1), 127-136. The third article is about a study conducted to determine if adult attachment and gender- role stress contribute to intimate partner violence in men. Authors McDermott and Lopez invited 497 heterosexual men in college to participate in an anonymous web survey (2013). Results revealed that gender role stress had a significant influence in intimate partner violence. This article is significant to professional counselors because they can usually have patients who are victims of violence. This article is scholarly because it has gone through the peer-review